Saturday, October 29, 2016

On hindsight

       At the moment I find myself in a turbulent phase of life. My previously suspended french class has come back into my schedule. It had been suspended for most of the semester to be replaced with an 8 week intensive fast-track course. I found myself struggling to keep up with the other classes I had to deal with and now I'm having another added on. I love the French language more than anything so I'm happy to have the class, as well as our dear professor back in good health. My goodness though, on top of that I find myself suddenly employed again. where exactly I will find the time or the mental energy for that I do not know, I will do what I must.
       That brought interesting thoughts to my mind though. As I left from the successful interview, tax papers in hand, I decided to stop in at my old job. A wonderful little European bistro that happens to be in the same plaza. The feelings of anger at having been fired had since subsided and I viewed it simply as what it was; a darn good restaurant. I had the pleasure of seeing the owner, my former employer, again. We had the chance to chat a moment and exchange pleasantries and assure there were no hard feelings. Business is business after all, and it felt good to know that everyone was on good terms. If there's one thing I hate its burning bridges.
       That little chat got the philosophical wheels in my head turning again. Angry as I was at the time that my hard work wasn't good enough for them, I am extraordinarily relieved now. At the time I had a measly 2 classes to worry about, virtually no effort on my part. But that job demanded way more of my time, effort and energy than school did. Now that I feel impossibly weighed down by school I feel truly blessed to not have such difficult work to worry about! Is it not wonderful how life seems to play out right sometimes? Hindsight as they say, is 20/20. Ah, if only one could view the world with such perfect vision. Or perhaps, is this possible after all, in a sense?
       Now, of course there is no way of seeing the future that I have yet been made aware of. But perhaps to the effort of maintaining peace of mind and happiness, one could learn to add the perfect vision of hindsight to their life strategy. If one thinks to themselves, what could the possible benefit of this occurrence be? Perhaps its optimism, perhaps it's faith, or just foolishly hoping things turn out to be less grim than they really are. Is it a viable strategy? or just hoping against hope?
       When you think about it however, there's really no problem with that anyway. Going through life all the time, assuming everything has its reasons. Is it foolish? perhaps, should you let optimism get in the way of realism when real strategies need to be played. But for the most part, I believe we as human beings, function better overall when we are happy. Even if said happiness is only hoped or assumed to be valid. A happy mind is an alert one, a well rested one, one prepared to snatch up the next opportunity.
       Perhaps that was the appeal to religion in the old days. Something for people to believe in, and find happiness in, even if imaginary, to get one through the day in hard times. If that was religions pure and true intention, suffice to say I am dissapointed in how awry it has gone. Religion has caused nothing but misery for the majority of humanity for some time. Perhaps that is merely human nature, to mess things up for everyone. But oh well, I will apply this sense of hind-foresight here and assume that all was for the best in the end, since there is nothing here I have the power to change anyway....

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